Ambient Noise Cross Corelation
ANCC 1 2 3 4 5 6 from EQTransformer.utils.hdf5_maker import preprocessor import os json_basepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"json/station_list.json") preprocessor(preproc_dir="preproc", mseed_dir='downloads_mseeds', stations_json=json_basepath, overlap=0.3, n_processor=2) ============ Station SISI has 3 chunks of data. ============ Station TDNI has 2 chunks of data. * SISI (1) .. 20220313 --> 20220314 .. 1 components .. sampling rate: 20.0 * TDNI (1) .. 20220313 --> 20220314 .. 1 components .. sampling rate: 40.0 * SISI (2) ....